New Season

Hey there family and friends!

Can you believe summer is almost over? That means new routines and back to school for many. It also means football season is upon us and fall weather is just around the corner.

What does this time or season mean for you?

As for me, it means getting back on track! Let me state the obvious here before I go on; I have been very absent/silent on here for quite a while. First, I would like to apologize, as I realize that I have not been serving you the way that I truly desire to. Second, please know I have not been just hiding away, TV binging and eating bonbons :).

Nope, I have been busy!

What have you been busy with? (...thank you for asking!)

1) My wife and I have moved operations and our lives to the beautiful state of South Carolina. Home of sweet tea, southern hospitality, bbq, peach cobbler, college football, the beautiful Appalachian Mountains and gorgeous beaches!

  • Why move across the country? Life is short and our time with loved ones is not guaranteed. So my wife and I decided after 27 years of us living on the west coast it was time to move back so we could honor my mom and dad by spending quality time with them. This means Clemson football games in the fall, celebrating milestones together like birthdays, anniversaries and major holidays. As well as having dinners, taking trips together, and other fun outings. This is something we have missed out on and it’s time to redeem.

  • What part of South Carolina? We settled in what is known as the upstate. Near my hometown, Clemson University and Greenville. We are in the foothills of the famous Blue Ridge Mountains. Look forward to exploring and learning more about the steep history of this area.

2) In August, I helped drive our daughters from Boise, ID to South Carolina. Yep, they too decided to move. I guess they could not live without us :) We are excited to have them here and so is my family. It is a great time for them to spend time getting to know my side of the family. They both have found work and are settling in.

3) I have added Business Coaching services to my list of offerings. Over the past several months I have been going through extensive training in the Art & Science of Coaching and Road to Mastery Coach with MAPS Business Coaching. With this addition, I am excited to be able to serve business leaders and owners with proven systems and models that will be game changers for them and their businesses. Running a business can be a lonely journey and we all need someone by our side. I will also be looking to grow my own coaching agency, so if you know anyone that has ever talked about coaching or might be curious, connect me with them and I can share the details.

Email me HERE!

4) Outside of our move, getting settled in, learning the new area, becoming a certified MAPS Business Coach, moving our two daughters back and spending quality time with family, I have been busy studying and preparing for what's next for Tim Douglas Inspires!

So what is next?

I am happy to let you know, I am currently working on a podcast, some e-books, a membership site, coaching programs, online courses and more.

Many of these are in the works however some will be released as needed. I am putting it out for you all to help me stay accountable, as it is the direction I am most passionate about. I am currently recording episodes for the podcast which will need to be editing prior to launch. See turned for the release coming soon!

I have several books in me, some e-books and mainstream books...time to get writing!!! This is new for me and I know I will need to be extremely disciplined to get this done, however, I feel confident that it can be done.

I also want to create online courses to help inspire and empower you with the strategies to accomplish the dreams that are sown into your hearts.

I feel as though my whole life I have been dedicated to personal development and self improvement. I have always had mentors in my life and I have noticed that over the years this has been something that really drives me; helping and inspiring others. Yet I still had to ask myself some very tough questions.

~Am I giving value, love and appreciation to the things that matter?

~Am I living the life I can be proud of?

~How will I show up today?

~If I desire to inspire others, do my life or daily actions inspire me?

~Am I honestly living at my highest true potential?

~Am I just going through the motions on autopilot or am I being purposeful and intentional about my day?

Not the easiest questions to ask yourself, but to live life at our highest true potential we must ask the tough questions and we must desire to find the answers.

Desiring to learn more and not be satisfied with the status quo, a few years ago I started on a journey of learning more about myself. This led me down a path of studying subjects like self-awareness, mindfulness, and mental toughness, as well as the science behind it like neuroscience, positive psychology, human behavioral science and many others.

I was not just getting head knowledge but I was starting to implement what I was learning. Taking action on what is learned and applying it to your life has the ability to create real lasting change in your life. We all know this, yet common knowledge isn't always common practice. This process has been very fruitful. I now feel like I am on my way to living at my highest true potential and my life purpose.

I desire more than anything to inspire and empower you to live at your highest true potential as well. So if you find yourself asking...

Am I living my life’s purpose?

Am I living at my highest true potential?

Am I living a life I can look back and be proud of?

Join me on this journey in pursuit of living life at your highest true potential. I want to help you be able to boldly and confidently answer yes to those questions.

Please reach out and let’s connect, or if you have not already, go like my facebook page: Tim Douglas to stay connected.

Don't forget you can drop me a message via FaceBook Messenger as well. Let me know what are some of the things you would like to see me talk about here in the blog or the podcast. I appreciate your feedback.

Thank you for being a part of this community.

Live Life Inspired!
